Thursday, July 23, 2009

Have been...

going back and forth with this thing in my head for some time now…contemplating…I know it doesn’t sound like me but, there are those moments in life that we do have to value things and not just follow our impulses…well, I am a great believer that life does work organically and things do always fall into the right place but I do acknowledge that we choose the doors we open and the fights we fight…here I go, contradicting myself…in a split of a second the decision was made for me…made everything very clear…every interaction is different and every moment of our lives is different because we are never in the same head space and we do evolve…which is why I do not believe in regrets…do not believe in what if…there is a reason for everything…a time...every person that has walked into my life, even for a second, whether that second was happy, sad or painful helped me be who I am today without human interaction there’s no life, there’s no evolving…I am privilege to say that the people I have close to me, are amazing human souls…and is so real to me how much those people care about me and my wellbeing and to me this is an achievement…to me this makes life beautiful…worth living for...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

things I've learned...

Don’t blame, GOD.

Don’t blame, your friends.

Don’t blame, your parents.                       

Laugh, is funny.

Cry, let it out.

Never lie.

Don’t trust people who lie.

People don’t change.

Keep your friends close and your enemies at a safe distance.

Accept the things you cannot change.

Change the things you can.

Breath, it helps.

No one’s perfect.

Life is fun.

Don’t over analyze things, you’ll miss the obvious.

The fastest way to get over a crush, is get to know him.

Drink lots of water.

Sleep, I am still working on that.

Religions are geographical.

There is GOD.

Sunglasses and baseball hats are a must.

Stay away from non sober alcoholics, especially the ones that haven’t figured it out.

Don’t date someone on their first thirty days.


You are as HaPPy as you make up your mind to be.


Say the truth, even when people don’t want to hear it, they’ll thank you later.

Learn from the past.

Live now.

Life is short.

You are alone.

When you meet good people keep them close.

Don’t mix business with pleasure.


When it comes to money, people go crazy.

Be yourself no matter what.

YES, means yes.

MAYBE, means maybe.

NO, means no.

Be correct.

Be true to yourself.

Your problems are not other peoples problems, don’t drain them.

Polite is not synonymous to kind.

Forgive and forget. It takes a great person to forgive and forget, I have a big problem with forgetting so I guess I am not that great.

Don’t seek revenge, it will come back to them, no need for you to get your soul dirty.

Stay home when you are people out.

When something’s broken, change it.

Respect people.

Respect yourself.

Don’t argue when you are mad, you are more affective when you are calm.

Don’t be selfish.

Don’t assume.

Ask questions.

Learn as much as you can.

If you want something you have to ask for it.

Be there for your fiends.

Friends are only the people who were there when things were tough.

People come in and out of our lives and it's ok.

Choose your battles, not every battle is worth fighting for.

Appreciate everything you have.

Shitty movies can be fun.

Thank GOD for the good and the bad.

Things can never get too bad.

You can't be lost if you are still here.

Trust your instincts.

Write your thoughts down, is therapeutic.

Brilliancy comes with aging.

Stay away from people who need to be the center of attention.

Insecure people can be dangerous.

We make timing.

Choose quality over quantity.

Follow your heart.

Say I LOVE YOU, ofter to the people that you love.



Admit it when you are wrong.

The KEY to all relationships, is communication.

You can never really, truly get to know someone.

There are no accidents, there’s a reason for every interaction.

Have no expectations.

Spoil yourself a lot.

Raise at least one dog.

Animals have feelings too.

Eat light, eat often.

Take a good care of your health.

Being in touch with your emotions can suck.

Learn from your mistakes and the ones of others that you have been fortunate enough to observe.

Allow yourself to EVOLVE.

Listen to people's opinion even when you don’t agree with it.

People don’t have to agree with you ideological ideas.

Be good to your parents, you are all they’ve got.

Life is about passing a spiritual test

We go when our time is up.