Saturday, December 26, 2015

It always...

...fascinates me how everything lies in the little things. The little but important things that silently show us the loud and crystal clear BIG picture.
Life is the most intriguing gift we possess...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Fascinating. Intriguing. A bit Violating...

...The music we use to tap into things to generate emotions in order to create. The universally undeniable spellbinding power music has to elevate us or crash us within seconds. And to think that the most beautifully composed nodes came form someone's soul it was in pain...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

"The knowledge...

...that everyday there's something more to learn, something higher to reach, something new to see of others. Makes each day infinity precious.
Talent is an amalgam of high sensitivity; easy vulnerability; high sensory equipment; a vivid imagination as well as a grip on reality; the desire to communicate one's own experiences and sensations, to make one's self heard and seen."
-Uta Hagen

We have need to create, to make journeys as artist. Because, we are constantly trying to get a better understanding of who we are. It's a need we are born with and not something we found on the way...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

If life... really this dance of snippets. A journey of discovering our true self. I am having the time of my life with what I found! Life is the most intriguing gift we possess, and we get to choose how to unwrap it. It's a walking, breathing miracle and I feel very fortunate to be here and open to experience it with all it's ups and downs

Friday, September 11, 2015

"We have as human beings...

a storytelling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for. We need to respect the fact that it is possible to know without knowing why we know and accept that-sometimes-we are better off that way."
-Malcolm Gladwell

Landed on this today. Of course because it's been something I have been learning for more than a year now. It had to sink in somehow. I am ruled by instinct and process very fast but I am very well thought in those seconds it takes me to break down a situation, an event, a person etc... And of course I have been one those storytelling problematic humans. I needed to understand what and how and why. And logically it needed to make sense to me. And I could loose sleep over it, till it had a logical explanation that made sense in this little head of mine. 
A series of events that let me to a series of events at the perfect moment in time for me to see and feel and understand that life is all about trusting your soul. It has a mind of it's own and knows exactly where it's going. And as much as I tried to give a logical explanation to the series of evens. I was left with what I subconsciously and instinctually kind of knew all along. Trust. Trust the process. I have lived a life of no missing steps. It's been well played out. Painful at times but well played out.  
The moment I gave up and let myself be I saw how liberating it can be. To just be and accept that some things are beyond what we can comprehend. Some things cannot be labeled. Some things are beyond our control. And for some reason not everything needs be logically understood...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"The part of us...

that we imagine needs healing is not the part we create from; that part is far deeper and stronger. The part we create from can't be touched by anything our parents did, or society did. That part is unsullied, uncorrupted; soundproof, waterproof, and bulletproof. In fact, the more troubles we've got, the better and richer that part becomes. 
The part that needs healing is our personal life. Personal life has nothing to do with work. Besides, what better way of healing than to find our center of self-sovereignty? Isn't that the whole point of healing?...There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny."
-Steven Pressfield

For some reason, flipped the pages today and landed on this. One of my favorite books that I have given to one too many people. Brilliant human being and I feel so fortunate to say that this man crossed my path years after I read his book. Happy to say that I know him by his first name and has been one those people that I randomly cross paths with and has helped me more that once to clarify where I needed to go next creatively. 
A great book is a book that every time you read you discover a different truth in it. A different truth about who you are. As we get older, we fall, we get hurt, we get up and we evolve. That is the gift of life, the beauty of it. Every time I feel lost, I think to myself "You're not lost, you're right here." and start laughing by myself. Some times it takes longer to register, some times faster. But at the end of the day, life is life. And without pain there's no evolving!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"We live by faith...

...and cannot live long without it. Fear is the natural response to the absence of faith, and indeed the result of the absence of faith." 

By faith I do not necessarily mean faith in God. I mean faith in ourselves. I haven't been posting here for a good couple of years due to circumstances. I somehow felt I lost faith. I thought that I lost the thing that always kept me safe. The thing that always came out of nowhere and showed me where I am going next.  The thing that every time something hurt me and threw me down under. Helped me manage in the speed of light to push with all my strength and rise  higher than before, stronger. Last couple of years have been tough and stretched and nonetheless I saw the bright side of things and kept going, more things came, and more came. It has been a long struggle of survival and struggle to keep balance and a smile on my face. Had longer time to process things and more time to think about them. More time to see the pattern. See that subconsciously I have been punishing myself. I chose certain people in my life. I chose to allow them to hurt me over and over again. Two years ago in all my pain, I said "I had to hit my head and I am going through all this physical pain to see what's good for me. To wake up." Making changes is a scary and a very lonely road. You are left all alone. And of course there's always the frustration of why the hell I had to put myself though all that. 
The last months have been very transitional. I don't like the word change because I believe we don't change, we evolve. If we choose, every day can be a step closer to becoming the best version of ourselves. 
In the last couple of days it hit me that I had never really lost my faith. It was there all the time. And through out all that it showed me the way. It slowed me down and pinpointed what needed to be changed. The pattern that I needed to break.
Have no fears about tomorrow. Today is beautiful and tomorrow looks stunning.
The most intimate relationship I will ever have is the one with myself and I am okay with that.