Tuesday, May 29, 2012

've been going through life...

not telling people what I see. Always thought, it is not in my place, it is their journey, one day they will figure it out...I do give advice generously but I have never told anyone what I really saw...I kind of just watched and when I felt, ok this is not what I need to be surrounded by...when it started taking away from my soul I just  walked, walked away, closed the chapter, learned and moved on. And of course I was called cold hearted because I could just walk away from  a long friendship without trying to at least work it out...I gave people enough leash and I just sat there and watched them hang themselves. That was till one day, someone said to me, "you are setting them up to hang themselves instead of setting boundaries and helping them evolve", that stayed with me, so in my new interactions, I actually said how I felt, still never said what I saw, but communicated the things that bothered me, hurt me. Did that change a thing? Yes, of course, for a second, because people are who they are and what we bring out is what we bring out...dynamics,  it is as simple as that...If I have to tell you how to be, if I have to draw the line for you then I really don't want you in my life. The same way I go home, and think, and come back, and acknowledged a think or two, I expect you to do the same. And the way you treat others, points out to me what you have in you, what you are capable of and what I need to watch out. And friends I need to watch out from, are not true friends.
Life is the most intriguing  gift God has given to mankind  and we get to choose how to unwrap it...
I haven't always been correct, but I have evolved and I made a conscious choice to be who I am today. It helps me sleep better...