Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You can...

survive without intimacy but you will never thrive without it. 

What's really life about? It's about sharing ourselves with the people we choose to have close to us. By sharing ourselves, our thoughts, we get a clear understanding of who we are, where we are at. We yearn for intimacy, but we avoid it. We want it badly, but we run from it. We sense the profound need for it, but we are terrified of it... In order to be intimate with another human being we need to let that high wall of ours down. Once our shield is off, we feel vulnerable. That's when the walls become higher and most people chose the easy way out, to run away. Well, no one's perfect we are all broken, imperfect have flaws, the things we so often despise about ourselves are the beautiful part of our humanity, what makes us special, us...