Friday, September 11, 2015

"We have as human beings...

a storytelling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for. We need to respect the fact that it is possible to know without knowing why we know and accept that-sometimes-we are better off that way."
-Malcolm Gladwell

Landed on this today. Of course because it's been something I have been learning for more than a year now. It had to sink in somehow. I am ruled by instinct and process very fast but I am very well thought in those seconds it takes me to break down a situation, an event, a person etc... And of course I have been one those storytelling problematic humans. I needed to understand what and how and why. And logically it needed to make sense to me. And I could loose sleep over it, till it had a logical explanation that made sense in this little head of mine. 
A series of events that let me to a series of events at the perfect moment in time for me to see and feel and understand that life is all about trusting your soul. It has a mind of it's own and knows exactly where it's going. And as much as I tried to give a logical explanation to the series of evens. I was left with what I subconsciously and instinctually kind of knew all along. Trust. Trust the process. I have lived a life of no missing steps. It's been well played out. Painful at times but well played out.  
The moment I gave up and let myself be I saw how liberating it can be. To just be and accept that some things are beyond what we can comprehend. Some things cannot be labeled. Some things are beyond our control. And for some reason not everything needs be logically understood...